I’m not a “business” expert or all-knowing guru.

At least not yet.

I have nothing to sell you. I'm just typing out my raw, unadultered insights on starting a business and how to live at your highest potential.

What that means for you:

- if this sounds like you: the challenges, ideas, and perspectives are probably going to be relevant and applicable to what you're going through.

- if you've already made it: these will serve as valuable reminders, refreshing perspectives, and, frankly, these ideas will still be relevant to you too.

Talk to you soon.

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Some weeks I write 1 email. Others I write 2. Some none at all. But it's always heat.

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👂 yo - if you're looking for new music every tuesday (going on 5 or 6 years now) 👉 chune tuesday on spotify 🎧